Curso de fotografía terapéutica y partcipativa

Se abre el periodo de inscripción para el nuevo curso de fotografía terapéutica y participativa que inauguramos en Grisart este curso.

Se trata de una experiencia pionera, con la que queremos ofrecer una formación muy específica para un ámbito al que se está llegando desde diferentes disciplinas, y en el que los profesionales se están encontrando con muchas necesidades (técnicas, metodológicas y teóricas), a las que hemos buscado dar respuesta con este curso.

Para esto, los alumnos van a trabajar las principales técnicas para el uso de fotografía en proyectos terapéuticos y participativos mediante:
-Una fundamentación teórica sobre la naturaleza activadora y facilitadora de la fotografía, sus características y posibles usos.
-La tutorización y supervisión de un proyecto práctico.

Si quieres conocer más información sobre el curso, inscripción, contenidos, requerimientos, etc., pulsa cualquiera de los enlaces de este post.


The therapeutic and participating photography is the use of digital or printed images and its realization process (photographic act), to promote the welfare and positive change for individuals and groups.

This course is designed for students to learn to use the creative and participatory potential of photography in collaborative or community projects.

It is designed for professionals and undergraduate students, master, etc., who want to learn how to use the potential of photography in the development of social and cultural projects. The course supports different orientations, and will work from a multidisciplinary perspective and commitment to the own potential of each person: photographers, psychologists, art therapists, educators, artists, social workers and volunteers, etc.

The course will work the main techniques in order to use the photography in therapeutic and participatory project, all in all through:
-a theoretical foundations on the activating and facilitating nature of photography: its features and possible uses.
-the tutoring and supervision of a practical project.

Wake up the creative potential of photography and learn to use it in collaborative or community projects!



Photography as a facilitator and promoter
Image, creativity and thought
Photography and reality
Areas and associated uses
Professional ethics
Therapeutic processes with photography
Techniques of the therapeutic and participatory photography
Design of a therapeutic, inclusive and participatory project.

Instructor: David Viñuales


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